Category: Corozal District

Showing all 4 results

  • Parcel No. 1107/1, Block No. 3, Sarteneja Village, Corozal District – LICU

    Parcel No. 1107/1, Block No. 3, Sarteneja Registration Section containing 725.3 Square Meters situate in Sarteneja Village held under a Certificate of Lease and being the leasehold interest of EXEQUIEL IGNACIO VERDE.

    The subject property is located near the Sarteneja Village airstrip & the La Inmaculada School as well as the bus terminal. Amenities within proximity are few or none.

    Auction Ended
  • Parcel No. 1144/1, Block 3, Sarteneja, Corozal District – LICU

    Property Details: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel No: 1144/1, Block 3, situated in the Sarteneja Registration Section, Corozal District containing 766.4 S.M. and held under Lease Certificate and being thereon, the leasehold property of Narcisa Victoria Verde surety for Neftali Yadib Verde.

    Description: This parcel of land is an empty lot and is located in a newly developed area in the Sarteneja Village where the property is accessible by the road.

    Auction Ended
  • Parcel No. 414, Block 1, Caledonia/ Buena Vista, Corozal District – LICU

    Property Details: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel No. 414, Block 1, situated in the Caledonia/Buena Vista Registration Section, Corozal District containing 982.767 S.M. and held under a Land Certificate and being thereon, the freehold property of  Hipolita Garcia surety for Filomena Ewan.

    Description: This parcel of land is an empty lot and is located two blocks away from the Northern Highway and is immediately along the Caledonia Road.

    Auction Ended
  • Parcel No. 967/1, Block 1, Situated in Progresso, Corozal District – LICU

    Property Details: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel 967/1, Block 1, situated in the Progresso Registration Section, Corozal District containing 2.245 Ha. and held under Lease Certificate together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the leasehold property of Eustaquia Celsa Mesh.

    Description: This parcel of land is an empty lot.

    Auction Ended