Lot 295, Mile 16, Situated in Maxboro Area, Belize District – ASC.
Location: Lot No. 295, Mile 16, situated in Maxboro area, Belize District.
Description: On the property is a single storey residence having four bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, living, dining, office, kitchen, utility, garage and storeroom. The building is in good condition and has a total area of 3772 sq.ft and porch/deck of 576 sq.ft. being the freehold interest.
Auction Ended
Item condition: New
Reserve price has not been met
Category: Belize District
Auction History
Auction has finished
Auction failed because there were no bidsSeptember 20, 2024 12:00 am | Auction started |
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- Vendor: ArnoldAuctions
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Parcel No. 2949, Block No. 7, San Pedro Town – LICU
Parcel No. 2949, Block No. 7, San Pedro Registration Section containing 445.685 Square Meters situate in San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District held under a Land Certificate and being the freehold interest of LEON LEVI ANDERSON.
This empty lot is found near a man made canal and said piece or parcel of land is fairly well elevated but currently undeveloped. It is located within access of utilities including electricity and telephone.
Lot No.-184 attached to Plan No.-2146 situated in St. Matthews Village, Cayo District – LICU
Lot No.-184 attached to Plan No.-2146 Deed of Conveyance LTU-201501474 situated in the St. Matthews Village, Cayo District, and registered at the Lands and Surveys Department in Belmopan, as Lot No. 184 on Plan No. 2146 – being thereon, the Deed of Conveyance of Miriam Janet Quevedo for Abner Jonathan Quevedo.
The property is located in developing and populated area of the village which is close proximity to schools and highway. It has 1 bungalow wooden wall structure.
The subject property is described as all that piece or parcel of land being #3449, Block #24 in the Society Hall Registration Section of the Cayo District, Belize and being undeveloped land of 65.639 acres. It is better delineated and described as follows: On the south by an undeveloped acreage, on the west by an undeveloped acreage, on the north by a semi-cleared acreage with a residence and farm, and on the east by a gravel road, being a freehold property.
Block 4, Parcel 1123, Orange Walk District
Location: Block 4, Parcel 1123, Orange Walk Town.
Description: On the property is a single storey building having 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living, kitchen, covered garage area, building has a floor area of 1213 sq.ft and shed 300 sq.ft. Land measures 446.67 sq.yds. Being the freehold interest.
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Parcel No. 1618, Block 11, Situated in Sandhill Area, Belize District – LICU
Property Details: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel No.1618, Block 11 situated in the Belize Rural North II Registration Section, Belize District, containing 1156.188 square Meter(s) and held under Land Certificate TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of Wallace Raymond Meighan.
Description: This Parcel of land is an empty lot, located in the Sandhill Area, Belize District.
Parcel No. 2949, Block No. 7, San Pedro Town – LICU
Parcel No. 2949, Block No. 7, San Pedro Registration Section containing 445.685 Square Meters situate in San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize District held under a Land Certificate and being the freehold interest of LEON LEVI ANDERSON.
This empty lot is found near a man made canal and said piece or parcel of land is fairly well elevated but currently undeveloped. It is located within access of utilities including electricity and telephone.