Showing 19–27 of 38 results
Parcel 1237, Block 4, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District – ASC
Location: ALL THAT pieces or parcels of land being Parcel #1237, Block #4, Orange Walk Town, Orange Walk District.
Description: On the property is a two storey building having on the lower level a store room, the upper level has a three bedroom, two bathrooms apartment. Being the Freehold Interest.
Parcel 224, Block 1, San Jose/San Pablo, Orange Walk District – ASC
Property Description: The subject property is located at Parcel #224, Block #1, San Jose/San Pablo,
Orange Walk District. On the property are three (3) buildings. Building #1 A bungalow residence having
three bedrooms, an office, kitchen, dining, living and one bathroom. These is an enclosed section of the
verandah, it is in poor condition and has an area of 808 sq.ft. Building #2 A single storey building as
storeroom having reinforced concrete foundation and floor, it is in very poor condition and has an area
of 427 sq.ft. Building #3 has been demolished. The subject property is held by a Leasehold Interest in
the name of Josue and Alfredo Cabrera. -
Parcel No. 1107/1, Block No. 3, Sarteneja Village, Corozal District – LICU
Parcel No. 1107/1, Block No. 3, Sarteneja Registration Section containing 725.3 Square Meters situate in Sarteneja Village held under a Certificate of Lease and being the leasehold interest of EXEQUIEL IGNACIO VERDE.
The subject property is located near the Sarteneja Village airstrip & the La Inmaculada School as well as the bus terminal. Amenities within proximity are few or none.
Parcel No. 1144/1, Block 3, Sarteneja, Corozal District – LICU
Property Details: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel No: 1144/1, Block 3, situated in the Sarteneja Registration Section, Corozal District containing 766.4 S.M. and held under Lease Certificate and being thereon, the leasehold property of Narcisa Victoria Verde surety for Neftali Yadib Verde.
Description: This parcel of land is an empty lot and is located in a newly developed area in the Sarteneja Village where the property is accessible by the road.
Parcel No. 1173, Block No. 4, Carmelita, Orange Walk District – LICU
Parcel No. 1173, Block No. 4, Carmelita Registration Section containing 1,042.9 Square Meters situate in the Carmelita Village, Tower Hill Village, Orange Walk District held under a Land Certificate and being the freehold interest of JOSE ANTONIO LAHERA.
The property is located in the outskirts of Carmelita Village, Orange Walk District near the Smart Tower and is a low lying area. This empty lot is located in a rural undeveloped area.
Parcel No. 1311, Block 4, Carmelita, Orange Walk District – LICU
Property Details: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel No.1311, Block 4 situated in the Carmelita Registration Section, Orange Walk District containing 1042.9 S.M., and held under a Land Certificate and being thereon, the freehold property of Vanina Tasha Marchand.
Description: This parcel of land is an empty lot and the property is located on the outskirts of the Carmelita Village immediately beside the Smart Tower. It is a block away from the Northern Highway.
Parcel No. 1618, Block 11, Situated in Sandhill Area, Belize District – LICU
Property Details: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel No.1618, Block 11 situated in the Belize Rural North II Registration Section, Belize District, containing 1156.188 square Meter(s) and held under Land Certificate TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the freehold property of Wallace Raymond Meighan.
Description: This Parcel of land is an empty lot, located in the Sandhill Area, Belize District.
Parcel No. 2837, Block No. 23, San Ignacio South, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District – LICU
Parcel No. 2837, Block No. 23, San Ignacio South Registration Section containing 491.53 Square Meters situate in the San Ignacio South Registration Section Area, San Ignacio Town, Cayo District held under a Land Certificate and being the freehold interest of ALBERTO ISIAS BOBADILLA.
Found in the outskirts of San Ignacio Town, Cayo District, this empty plot of land is located in a developing area.