Showing 37–42 of 42 results
Parcel No. 816, Block 4, San Jose Palmar, Orange Walk District – LICU
Property Details: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel No. 816, Block 4, situated in the San Jose Palmar Registration Section, Orange Walk District containing 1.007 acres and held under a Land Certificate and being thereon, the freehold property of Pedro Eduardo Gonzalez surety for Susana Clarita Gonzalez.
Description: This parcel of land is an empty lot and is located in developing area.
Parcel No. 824, Block No. 4, Miller’s Bight, Orange Walk District – LICU
Parcel No. 824, Block No. 4, Miller’s Bight Registration Section containing 1,100.87 Square Meters situate in Petville Area in Miller’s Bight Registration Section, Orange Walk District held under a Land Certificate and being the freehold interest of EVRIT STEVEN MATUTE surety for VANINA TASHA MARCHAND.
This empty lot is found near San Estevan Village and currently located in a rural area and has little or no access to utilities.
Parcel No. 967/1, Block 1, Situated in Progresso, Corozal District – LICU
Property Details: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel 967/1, Block 1, situated in the Progresso Registration Section, Corozal District containing 2.245 Ha. and held under Lease Certificate together with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon, the leasehold property of Eustaquia Celsa Mesh.
Description: This parcel of land is an empty lot.
Parcel No.1021, Block 1, San Estevan, Orange Walk District – LICU
Property Details: ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Parcel No. 1021, Block 1, situated in the San Estevan Registration Section, Orange Walk District containing 810.109 S.M and held under Land Certificate and being thereon, the freehold property of Antonia Cruz Sanchez surety for Alfonso Manuelito Padron.
Description: This parcel of land is an empty lot and is located in a recent expansion of the San Estevan Village.